Aesthetic Clinic
Breast Augmentation
Among esthetic breast surgeries, breast augmentation surgery is the most preferred; the placement of appropriate bulky breast prostheses, the desired size of the breast, and symmetry to avoid prepared under the breast tissue.
During breast augmentation surgery; patient selection, surgical technique selection and selection of the prosthesis to be used are performed properly, excellent results are achieved without problems.
Breast Reduction
Breast Reduction; Although surgery is usually performed by aesthetic surgeons to correct the appearance of large breast. It is a reconstructive surgery which is caused by large breast and helps to solve problems of back pain, dyspraxia, headache, shoulder pain, difficulty in breathing, collapsing in shoulder with braces, hygiene problems under breast (such as rash or fungal infections).
The operation lasts 2-4 hours on average.
Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that allows you to get rid of fat that resist diet and exercise. The procedure may be combined with other plastic surgery procedures, including facelift.
Liposuction is a surgical procedure and is basically not a weight-loss method, even if the result is weight loss. Liposuction allows not only removal of abnormal regional fat accumulation, but also recontouring of the body part, where excess fat is suctioned.
Tummy Tuck
The abdominal region, which has a structure that helps to protect most of our internal organs, is one of the areas where regional fat is observed. The enlarged fat layer often becomes unresponsive to sports, diet and exercise. In addition, skin problems due to collagen breakage, which is called a crack in the skin structure and cause an aesthetic appearance, also constitute a regional problem.
Deformation in the abdominal muscles, often observed after high-weight babies, also causes this region to sag.
Face Gold Needle
The radiofrequency used in medical field for many years is a classic application of gold needle method. However, it has been used for a long time in the field of dermatology. However, this method has been advanced with developing technologies. Thus, new features have been added to the classical radiofrequency method, resulting in a highly effective method. The first of these new features is the fractionation of the radiofrequency method.
Pubic Lift Operation
Weight gain and loss do not only occur in the abdominal region. In fact, the pubic region tends to come to the corners throughout the body, including this. When large or large amounts of fat accumulate in this region, it can cause discomfort, resulting in a decline in freedom due to splashing beneath narrow or attached garments
A pubic lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure intended to correct and repair these issues.
Brazilian Butt Lift
The Brazilian Butt Lift is the Robin Hood of cosmetic treatments. Stealing from the fat rich and depositing to the fat poor, BBLs serve as comprehensive two-in-one treatments, removing fat from where you don’t want it and depositing it back where you do. It’s a win-win.
Cheek Filler
Cheek Filler can make light work of eradicating unsightly bumps, dimpling or scarring as well as correcting shape and texture. It can also be a fantastic way to correct facial asymmetry, erase fine lines or deep set wrinkles, hydrate the skin, and reintroduce fullness to sunken cheekbones.
Chin Filler
Chin Filler (Chin Filling), sometimes known as ‘Chin Enhancement’ or ‘Mentum Filler’ is the method of restoring proportion to the lower portion of the face using precisely placed Dermal Filler. With most patients in and out of treatment within half an hour, this method is loved for its ease, and immediate visible results.
Chin Implants
Chin Implants can improve upon any chin-associated woe: from reducing a jutting jaw to adding weight to an unbalanced/tapered face and drawing attention away from a particularly undefined neck. Whether it is a case of chin reduction or embellishment, there is a surgical solution at your fingertips.
Jawline Filler
Jawline Filler, a.k.a. ‘Non-Surgical Jaw Enhancement‘ or ‘Mandible Augmentation‘, is a cosmetic procedure which makes use of a softer gel-based filler to create a natural boost to the lower face. This specially formulated filler is more malleable, allowing it to settle into the intricate contours of the face where injected.
The HydraFacial is a much-loved rejuvenation treatment, using patented Vortex technology to deliver botanical nutrients directly to the skin. HydraFacials infuse skin with healthy doses of hyaluronic acid, red algae extract, copper, zinc, and magnesium peptides to plump and rejuvenate your appearance, and leave you glowing from the inside out.
Mesotherapy is a miracle remedy for some of the most stubborn and inhibiting cosmetic concerns around. Pesky cellulite, uneven fatty deposits, even wrinkles, stretch marks and even acne scarring can all be vastly improved using meso technology.
Facial Rejuvenation French Lift
The French Lift is perhaps the best minimally invasive mini-facelift technique on the market, carried out under only local anaesthetic. The French lift method is recognized to be an effective and important alternative for patients who do not consider cosmetic facial surgery.
Non Surgical Rhinoplasty
Non-surgical rhinoplasty, commonly known as a “non-surgical nose job” which can take up to 15 minutes, is a way to correct imperfections in the nose without having to undergo costly, invasive surgical procedures.
Neck Lift
Neck stretching, sagging on the face and neck, and rejuvenation of the face by correcting wrinkles.