Anti Stress & Sleep Recovery Programm

What causes stress?
Stress comes up when you feel like the demands of a situation or event are too much to manage. It can come up with everyday situations, such as: Both positive and negative life events can be stressful, especially those that involve major changes to your regular routines.
As stress is based on the way you see a situation or event, things that cause stress are based on your own situation. Different people may find that different things are stressful The fast pace of life along with bad eating habits are some of the main causes of increased physical and emotional stress. The lack of energy stops us from really making the most of our potential.
Medworld is the perfect place to think about these habits that exacerbate stress and come up with a personalized plan to cut down on stress levels to enjoy a better quality of life. Symptoms of chronic stress; a lack of concentration, lethargy, irritability, migraines, headaches, anxiety, general fatigue, etc. Natural remedies, excellent food, exercises and other natural therapies that focus on restoring the right levels of health and energy and maintain them forever.

Sleep Recovery
Sleep is the period of rest and restructuring of the brain where the body is uncontrollable and consciousness against external stimuli is closed. If you do not sleep quality, the daytime performance and quality of life are negatively affected by the feeling of fatigue. In addition, when you cannot get adequate and deep sleep, your brain is also less able to learn something new.
The recuperative power of sleep is one of the basic pillars to having a healthy life and the lack of sleep is often the cause of premature aging. Insomnia and obstructive apnoea favour the onset of heart, respiratory and nervous system diseases, which is why the correction of such is the essence of preventing the associated diseases.
To this end, we use a programme whose approach is unique worldwide, and it involves combining the western diagnosis and therapeutic techniques (polysomnography and treatment with Auto-CPAP), with macrobiotics, acupuncture and phytotherapy from oriental medicine. This is how the success rates of the two separate techniques can be increased.
Anti Stress & Sleep Recovery Programm - 7 DAYS