
Plasmolifting is a new treatment being offered for hair restoration. It is a simple, non-surgical procedure where a patient’s own Plasmolifting from their blood is injected into the scalp to stimulate hair growth and provide fuller and healthier looking hair. The procedure takes approximately 60 minutes and provides reliable results with a very quick recovery period. It is perfect for patients looking for a cheaper alternative to a full hair transplant but is also used to supplement a hair transplant procedure.

How does it work?

With a thin needle, a patient’s own Plasmolifting is injected into their scalp. The growth factors in the blood do their job and hair growth is naturally stimulated.

P.R.P. is suitable for both men and women and has produced excellent results for patients. A human’s blood plasma (P.R.P.) contains active growth factors which can promote hair growth.

The P.R.P. is injected into the scalp using a special micro needle to enhance hair growth by stimulating dormant follicles. Each injection leaves a small amount of plasma close to the hair follicles that are stimulated by the growth factors and stem cells – producing higher quality hair and hair growth.

What is P.R.P.?

P.R.P. stands for Plasmolifting. As well red and white blood cells, your blood also contain platelets which are rich in growth factors. These platelets are the most potent healers of the body. Platelets promote healing by restoring the normal architecture and strength of the tissue They increase local blood flow and stimulate hair follicles to grow healthier.

Is P.R.P. new?

Yes, for the treatment of hair loss. The technology has been used for years in surgical applications and wound care, initially as a healing adjunct to open heart surgery. The use of P.R.P. for the scalp is fairly new and evolving into a promising treatment – both as a single treatment to reverse hair loss and also to be used in conjunction with a hair transplant. It is generally accepted that there is a significant response rate to P.R.P. of approximately 70-80% in certain regions of the body, although this data mainly involves multiple studies with small population groups.

Does it hurt?

There is some minor discomfort when the injections into the scalp are made but these are done with a very fine needle to minimise any pain.

What does a patient have to do prior to and after having the procedure?

The patient should avoid all anti-inflammatory medications for seven days prior and three days after the procedure. This includes prescription anti-inflammatory medications as well as over the counter paracetamol (cardiac patients should continue taking aspirin). Patients on blood thinners (Coumadin/Warfarin/Plavix/Pradaxa) are not candidates for P.R.P. injections. Right after the P.R.P. procedure, the patient is fine to continue normal everyday life.

How many sessions will a patient need?

Most patients start noticing the benefits around a month after the first treatment. We recommend three sessions for the best results with a gap of four weeks between each session.

Are there any risks?

This a 100% natural procedure which does not use any foreign material or animal derivative. Research shows that P.R.P. obtained from a patient’s blood is safe, with a very minimal risk of complications and allergic reaction. As the platelets are obtained from the patient’s own blood, there is no risk of disease transmission through transfusion or the risk of rejection.

Possible side effects of P.R.P.

Minimal swelling, bruising and redness can occur for 12-24 hours. Mild bruising can occur at the needle site which may be visible for two-three days. There is no risk of infection as the treatment is antimicrobial.