Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

In Turkey, which is the best country for physiotherapists and physical therapy, depending on the physical disorder and patient’s needs, Med World Clinic’s Professional Physiotherapists chose and plan the best Physical Therapy Technique. Applying Physical Therapy Treatments on a Professional Physiotherapist’s hands is crucial for patients’ safety and health. These treatment programs consist of physical therapy equipments, medicines and some therapeutic practices.
Med World Clinic’s professional and experienced Physiotherapists apply Physical Rehabilitation programs to enhance the quality of our patients’ lives. In addition, to improve daily physical activities, to prevent some permanent physical injuries, to relieve chronic pain, to regain body position and function and more.
Med World Clinic in Antalya in Turkey is the best country to get Medical Treatments, Physical Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy as once Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of Turkish republic, said ‘Entrust me to Turkish doctors’. Thus, Med World Clinic in Antalya in Turkey is the best country for Physiotherapists and physical therapy. However, we should know the difference between
Physical Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy before we talk about the reasons why Turkey is the best country for physiotherapists and physical therapy.
As everybody knows, we live in a very fast developing and technological world. In addition, we are fragile and biological beings which are mortal. For this reason, as we age, our fragile body structure starts degenerating and having health problems. One of the most common indicators of degeneration of our body is physical diseases. Everybody, whether young or old, starts having physical health issues at some point in their lives. When this happens, the best and the most inevitable solution is Physical Rehabilitation. Besides Physical Therapy.
If you are one of us that has Physical Health Problems and tries to find a solution and enhance the quality of your life. Firstly, this article will help you to understand what you are really experiencing. Moreover, what treatment is the best for you.
Before we find the best doctors serving in Med World Clinic in Antalya in Turkey being the best country for Physiotherapists and physical therapy, let’s start with the difference between Physical Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy.
Both of these terms describe specialties of the treatment and diagnosis of the functional and physical disorders in our cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and nervous systems in our mortal body. What’s more, Physical Therapy is one of the subbranch of Physical Rehabilitation that generally benefits from physical techniques and equipments to treat musculoskeletal disorders.
Then, What is Physical Therapy in the Best Country for Physiotherapists and Physical Therapy?
Physical Therapy is a treatment method to treat functional and physical disorders, which everybody suffers from in their lifetime. Physical Therapists utilize physical equipment applied outside the patients bodies. These help to relieve the patient’s pain and rehabilitate them. On the other hand, these physical equipments do not give any harm or cause injuries in the body. Consequently, the primary purpose of Physical Therapy is to regain one’s everyday physical and social activities with healthily functioning organs. It is a successful medical field in the best country for physiotherapists and physical therapy.

What is Physical Rehabilitation?
Unlike Physical Therapy, Physical Rehabilitation improves patients cognitive and mental health in addition to enhancing their physical well-being. Physical Rehabilitation Treatments can vary according to the patients’ age and needs by depending on geriatric and pediatric therapies. It also includes three main branches like Physical, Occupational and Speech and Language Therapy.
You can get more detailed information about treatments, in Medworld Clinic in Antalya in Turkey, being the best country for physiotherapists and physical therapy. You can find every detail about the treatments that we apply below.
In the Best Country for Physiotherapists and Physical Therapy, Physical Rehabilitation and Therapy Includes
- Treatment of orthopedic disorders
- Rehabilitation of sports injuries
- Treatments of neuromuscular disorders
- Rehabilitation of neurological disorders
- Managing chronic pains and rheumatic disorders
- Metabolic Bone Disorders
- Rehabilitation for geriatric patients
- Acquired or genetic bone and joint disorders
- Rehabilitation of cardiac disorders in the best country for physiotherapists and physical therapy.

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Packages
- Muscle And Joint Rehabilitation / 7 Nights
- Rehabilitation Treatment For Fibromyalgia/ 7 Nights
- Low Back Pain Rehabilitation / 7 Nights
- Lymphedema Rehabilitation / 7 Nights
- Hand & Arm Rehabilitation
- Rehabilitation For Rheumatic Diseases / 7 Nights
- Fracture Rehabilitation / 7 Nights
- Fracture Spine Rehabilitation / 7 Nights
- Sexual Rehabilitation For Men / 7 nights
Herniated Disc
Herniated Disc is an illness that occurs as a result of the slipping of the discs between the 5 vertebrae compressing the spinal cord forming the spine and thus the nerves separated from the spinal cord due to wear, tear or displacement or various reasons.
The diagnosis of Herniated Disc is made by a careful patient history, physical and neurological examination, as well as imaging methods such as x-ray, MRI (magnetic resonance) or CT (computed tomography). In some cases nerve examinations called EMG ( electromyography ) may be needed.
Cervical Disc Hernia
A large proportion of cervical disc hernia patients can be treated without the need for surgical intervention. In some mild cases, the complaints can be improved by resting, organizing daily life activities and educating the patient about the correct use of the neck. These patients should be directed to a regular exercise program and followed up.
Painkillers and muscle relaxants are frequently used for cervical disc hernia treatment. Also, drugs containing corticosteroids can be used under the supervision of a doctor if needed. In some cases, it may be necessary to use a neck collar temporarily.
Cervical Kyphosis
7 vertebrae of the spine consist of 33 vertebrae located in the neck. In healthy individuals, these vertebrae are arranged in a C-shaped, slightly curved way, while for some reasons these vertebrae become a straight line.
This natural curvature, also known as cervical lordosis, loses its curved structure due to various reasons and is called as Cervical Kyphosis. In some advanced cases, the vertebrae that have the shape of “I” can be bent in the opposite direction.
Fibromyalgia syndrome shows its symptoms in the sensitive parts of the body, with a widespread chronic pain. It is also one of the chronic musculoskeletal diseases. There is no joint deformation or movement limitation among patients with Fibromyalgia Syndrome. Instead, patients have an impaired quality of life.
Shoulder Pain
Shoulder pain is a common musculoskeletal problem. It ranks third in the society after back and neck pain. Shoulder pain is one of the first reasons that people who work by using their arms need to consult a doctor.
One of the most important causes of shoulder pain is that the shoulder joint is the most mobile and complex joint of the human body. There are soft tissues around the shoulder joint consisting of capsule, ligament, tendon, bursa and muscles. The soft tissues around the joint provide a solid structure of the joint. This situation causes frequent soft tissue lesions in the shoulder.
Scoliosis is defined as the curvature of the spine over 10 degrees to the right or left, which should normally be placed in a straight line when the spine is viewed from the back.
Scoliosis is not just a one-dimensional angular deformation, but a bony and structural deformation that affects the body in three dimensions, from the front and from the side. Scoliosis is a condition that can be seen in every period of life.
Hip Osteoarthritis
Arthritis refers to degeneration of the cartilages in the joints. When the cartilaginous structure of the hip joint is damaged and deteriorated, it loses its lubricity and causes pain and restriction of movement. This condition is called hip arthritis.
Lateral Epicondylitis
Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Player’s Elbow), Medial Epicondylitis (Golfer’s Elbow)
Lateral epicondylitis is commonly known as “Tennis Player’s Elbow”. It is a painful condition seen at the attachment of the muscle-tendon to the bone on the outside of the elbow. Tendons connect muscle to bone. The muscle associated with this condition is the “extensor carpi radialis brevis”.
Muscle And Joint Rehabilitation / 7 Nights
Our musculoskeletal system is made up of bones, muscles, joints, nerves, ligaments and tendons which all help to support our body movements. When you have treatment, it can often take some time to adjust and fully recover. Medworld Rehabilitation Clinic helps patients during recovery stage.
Rehabilitation Treatment For Fibromyalgia/ 7 Nights
While curing fibromyalgia may be impossible, there are many tried and tested methods including medication, injections and personalized physical rehabilitation that can make a huge difference in managing the pain and significantly improving the quality of life.
Low Back Pain Rehabilitation / 7 Nights
Just like you can pull a muscle in your hamstring, you can pull a muscle in your back when you bend or stoop. Your lower back is extremely complex so injuries can occur to bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, discs or nerves.
Fracture Rehabilitation / 7 Nights
Often, being able to access the right rehabilitation after a fracture can make a real difference to the extent of your recovery and long-term function.
Although some people will recover quickly from a fracture, some will need more intense therapy and support to help them regain their independence.
Rehabilitation For Rheumatic Diseases
While curing fibromyalgia may be impossible, there are many tried and tested methods including medication, injections and personalized physical rehabilitation that can make a huge difference in managing the pain and significantly improving the quality of life.
Fracture Spine Rehabilitation / 7 Nights
If you’ve been living with back pain, you’re not alone. Here at Medworld Clinic , we have professional spine specialists who are committed to improving your quality of life. Our team of professional spine specialists is here to help you to get you back to do the things you love the most through using nonsurgical, surgical and minimally invasive procedures.
Sexual Rehabilitation For Men / 7 nights
Sex and relationships are an important part of every man’s lives. Most of the men are looking for ways to enhance their sexual performance. This can include solving existing problems or searching for new ways to keep your partner happy.
Medworld offers best and most natural way for Men to Improve Sexual Performance.