
What Is Scoliosis?
Scoliosis is the curvature of the spine over 10 degrees to the right or left, which should normally be placed in a straight line when the spine is viewed from the back. It is not just a one-dimensional angular deformation, but a bony and structural deformation that affects the body in three dimensions, from the front and from the side. It is a condition that can be in every period of life and requires Scoliosis strength exercises.

What are the Symptoms of Scoliosis ?
- Scoliosis leads to rapid deterioration (increase in curvature) with the starting of the adolescence. .
- It progresses only in 10% of all patients’ and surgical treatment may be required.
- Diagnosing scoliosis can be done simply by visual inspection, so mothers suspect it during
- Usually no pain is felt.
- The curvature of the spine to the sides
- Lateral and forward curvature of the spine,
- One shoulder (right-left) moving forward,
- Shoulders and hips are not symmetrical,
- Presence of a second curve compensating the first curvature,
- Back or lower back pain,
- Shortness of breath, tiredness,

Scoliosis Strength Exercises
Scoliosis treatment; It is planned by considering the age of the patients, the degree, and location of the curvature, the severity of the pain in adults. Moreover, the findings of physical examination and imaging methods, and the increase in the degree of curvature over time are also evaluated.
Doctors prefer observation, corset treatment, physical therapy and surgical operation in the treatment of scoliosis. They make observation, which is the first option of treatment, to curves below 20 degrees and to see how much the curvature has increased over time. Scoliosis physical therapy applications and surgical operations are particularly suitable for adults and more severe cases. However, surgical operations are the last for the treatment of scoliosis in both children and adults.
Children and adolescents scoliosis strength exercises program in Antalya Medworld Clinic, Turkey
It is a lateral spine curvature deformity. Indeed, it is mostly seen among adolescents and children. Usual spinal curves are present at the lumbar, cervical and thoracic areas in the sagittal plane. To regulate mechanical force while moving, these usual curves function like shock absorbers by positioning the head over people’s pelvis. As a result, the curvature of the spine in the frontal plane is scoliosis. Moreover, it is a complicated three-dimensional issue and includes the Frontal (coronal) plane, axial plane and sagittal plane. The body is split into two parts as back (posterior) and front (anterior) sections by a vertical plane called the coronal plane, which is parallel to people’s shoulders, from foot to head. In addition, the body is split into left and right halves, with the sagittal plane. However, there is a solution such as children and adolescents Scoliosis strength exercises program in Antalya Medworld Clinic, Turkey.

Prevalence and percentage of scoliosis
At least, 2 percent of people have scoliosis. On the other hand, in childhood and infancy, it is possible that scoliosis develops. Primarily, between 10 and 15 years old, both boys and girls develop scoliosis. Nevertheless, girls are more likely to develop more severe spine curvature, which necessitates scoliosis treatment.
Causes of scoliosis
Neuromuscular, genetic and congenital are the three categories of scoliosis. However, idiopathic, genetic scoliosis is the most common one among adolescents, which doctors can detect before planning children and adolescents Scoliosis strength exercises program in Antalya Medworld Clinic, Turkey. Yet, embryologic deformity causes congenital scoliosis that can occur anywhere. On the other hand, spinal curvature forms because of vertebral bone deformities. Doctors can diagnose congenital scoliosis earlier than idiopathic, genetic scoliosis because it starts in infancy. Moreover, it shows how severe it will be in the future, related to the place it develops. Nonetheless, neuromuscular scoliosis is a scoliosis that develops with muscular and neurological disorders. Muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, physical traumas, muscular atrophy, spina bifida and spinal cord traumas are related disorders. Neuromuscular scoliosis progresses fast. For this reason, patients need surgical operation instead of children and adolescents Scoliosis strength exercises program in Antalya Medworld Clinic, Turkey.
Signs And Symptoms Of Scoliosis
If you have one or more of these signs and symptoms, do not be late to see a doctor.
- Unequal position of shoulders
- One side body leaning
- Head not at the center of the pelvis
- Overcovers of the spinal changes such as unusual color, hairy areas and dimples
- Crooked waist
- Unequal thorax cages
- Excessively high hips, which necessitates children and adolescents Scoliosis strength exercises program in Antalya Medworld Clinic, Turkey.
What’s more, syringomyelia, herniated disc, tethered cord, spinal tumor, spondylolisthesis are underlying disorders that cause idiopathic, genetic scoliosis. Thus, most patients’ first complaint was back pain. However, you should have a more comprehensive examination if you have more than a light back pain because uneven thorax cage negatively affects functioning of lungs. As a result, findings reveal that lung functions have diminished in patients with idiopathic, genetic scoliosis.
Diagnosis For Scoliosis Strength Exercises
Before planning children and adolescents Scoliosis strength exercises program in Antalya Medworld Clinic, Turkey, doctors utilize CT scan, MRI, spinal radiograph and x-ray machines to diagnose scoliosis. If the posterior and anterior radiograph shows more than 10 degrees of a curvature of coronal, scoliosis diagnosis is positive. When the degree is more than 25, more distinct scoliosis is on the table. On the other hand, more than 45 degrees of curvature means severe scoliosis, which requires surgery or heavy physical therapy and rehabilitation.
CAT Scan (Computed Tomography Scan)
This diagnostic method provides a very clear image of the vertebral canal and its shape, size, and structure.
MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
Before planning children and adolescents Scoliosis strength exercises program in Antalya Medworld Clinic, Turkey, doctors can also use MRI to get a more detailed image of the spinal cord. As a result, it provides three-dimensional information of the spinal cord with nerve roots, malfunctions, and degeneration.
Doctors take X-ray images to see any infections, malfunctions, or fractures that might be the underlying reasons for scoliosis because it provides an image of joints and vertebrae structure.

Children with scoliosis
There are three age groups, depending on their ages.
- From 0 to 3 years old.
- From 3 to 10 years old.
- Beginning from 11 to skeletal maturity.
As we mentioned before, idiopathic, genetic scoliosis is more common than other types, and it reveals itself in adolescence. For this reason, doctors and families should manage this process well, depending on the severeness and age. As a result, bracing, children and adolescents Scoliosis strength exercises program in Antalya Medworld Clinic, Turkey, or scoliosis surgery may be necessary.
Additionally, latest news shows that other congenital abnormalities such as the heart, the urinary system and spinal cord have increased. When doctors diagnose congenital scoliosis in a child, they should test these abnormalities as well.
Adults With Scoliosis
Since the skeletal structure has grown in maturity, treatment objectives, and causes differ from children. However, there are three adults groups as well.
- Patients that had surgical operation to treat their scoliosis in adolescence.
- Adults that have never had scoliosis treatment.
- Patients with degenerative scoliosis.
However, adults, at 65 years of age, are more likely to develop degenerative scoliosis with lumbar spinal stenosis or spinal canal stenosis. These compress nerves and disrupt their functioning. Moreover, degenerative scoliosis may progress in years, depending on every patient. However, the severeness does not increase in most cases. According to the finding, just one degree increase has been in 25 percent of the cases.
Patients’ back pain can increase depending on the activity. Because spine curvature is not excessive, surgical operation is only necessary when other scoliosis treatments do not work, like children and adolescents Scoliosis strength exercises program in Antalya Medworld Clinic, Turkey.
Treatment and scoliosis strength exercises
There are some issues that health experts should assess to decide scoliosis treatment.
- The size of the curvature
- The curvature area
- Is progression expected?
- Maturity of spine.
When they assess these issues, they can determine one treatment option such as surgical treatment, observation and bracing.
Observation Scoliosis Treatment During Scoliosis Strength Exercises
Children and adolescents Scoliosis strength exercises program in Antalya Medworld Clinic, Turkey is one of the observation treatments because scoliosis is not so severe in childhood. However, if progression is possible in the future, it is better to check the size of the curvature until adolescence.
For adults, observing the size of the curvature every 4 years with x-rays is necessary.
Bracing As Scoliosis Treatment
It is more appropriate for children because their spine has not grown in maturity. As a preventative treatment, depending on the degree of the curve, your physical therapist can use braces. Thus, new brace models have improved, and your doctor can place them under the arm. Studies show that braces are 80 percent efficient when used as instructed. Until progression stops, you should wear braces for at least 20 hours a day and adjust to be sure they properly fit, instead of Children and adolescents Scoliosis strength exercises program in Antalya Medworld Clinic, Turkey.
Surgical Operation For Scoliosis
However, to stop progression of the curve and decrease spinal malfunction, surgeons perform a surgical operation. When the spinal curvature is 40 degrees and future progression is possible, it is necessary. Related to the case, surgeons conduct a posterior or anterior surgery.
In some cases, surgeons can perform a revision scoliosis surgery for the patients that had a surgery when they were a child when Children and adolescents Scoliosis strength exercises program in Antalya Medworld Clinic, Turkey was not available. However, new methods have emerged. Some factors can adversely affect scoliosis surgery and recovery process such as smoking, age, being overweight and having other health problems.
Posterior Surgery
The patient with scoliosis lies on the stomach. This surgery, which is the most common among adolescents with idiopathic, genetic scoliosis, is applied by grafting bone and instrumentation. After inflexible rods are used to straighten the spine, surgeons graft bone to the spine curvature area, which is spinal fusion. It takes more time with adults than children. However, with the latest advancements, patients leave in a week and return to their normal life in 14 days. It takes at least 4 months to return to more difficult activities. Nevertheless, if severity is not high, Children and adolescents Scoliosis strength exercises program in Antalya Medworld Clinic, Turkey can be recommended.
Anterior Surgery
The patient lies on one side and the surgeon make incisions. Furthermore, the surgeon has to remove one rib and deflate the lung to uncover the spine. It provides a better correction of the spine deformity, although it requires longer bracing period and high risk of contracting a disease.
The best strength exercises program for scoliosis at any age besides children and adolescents in Antalya Medworld Clinic, Turkey
People might think that exercising is not good for patients with scoliosis. However, it is advantageous for everyone, even for the ones with scoliosis. People that have scoliosis must do the right exercises to recover. These exercises are preventative and preferred by many people instead of surgical operations if the scoliosis degree is not so severe.
Why should Children and adolescents follow a Scoliosis strength exercises program in Antalya Medworld Clinic, Turkey?

Since strong muscles balance the spine, to maintain the strength of the core and support the spine, scoliosis patients must do exercise and use braces if necessary. Therapeutic exercises help to stop progression, to decrease body asymmetry, fatigue and pain, to strengthen muscles, to increase activity and flexibility, to boost lung breathing capacity and to prevent imbalance.
What are the best children and adolescents scoliosis strength exercises program in Antalya Medworld Clinic, Turkey?
Muscle strengthening and stretching exercises are the best for scoliosis patients. Stretching exercises help to overcome elasticity of the spine. Also, they boost movement activity. Pain can be decreased by strengthening muscles and core. However, exercising techniques are planned considering the age.
Children and adolescents scoliosis strength exercises program in Antalya Medworld Clinic, Turkey
Children with idiopathic, genetic scoliosis still can do the sports they like. To support children’s spine, which is constantly growing, a scoliosis strength exercise schedule must be prepared considering their individual body type and posture as our children and adolescents scoliosis strength exercises program in Antalya Medworld Clinic, Turkey. Luckily, children with scoliosis do not feel pain as adults. Generally, this scoliosis strength exercise program is planned to reposition the body and raise the control over the neuromuscular system.
Here are some scoliosis strength exercises:
- Prone plank
- Cat camel stretch
- Pelvic tilt exercise
- Leg lifts
- Double leg press
- Bird dog stretches
Adolescents with idiopathic, genetic scoliosis have poor posture, inflexible spine, imbalance walking and uneven muscles. If their scoliosis is noticeable by peers, they lose their self-confidence. Doing exercises below can help.
- Plank
- Pelvic tilt exercise
- Kettle bell deadlift
- Sitting rotation stretching exercise
- Pilates
- Tai-chi
- Yoga
The best children and adolescents scoliosis strength exercises program in Antalya Medworld Clinic, Turkey, is planned, considering every child’s case separately.
Degenerative scoliosis is mostly seen in adults because, with age, soft tissue lose elasticity, facet joints deteriorate, which lead to spinal inflexibility. For this reason, while planning exercises, increasing flexibility and movement activity is considered first. Here are some exercises for adults.
- Seated spinal twist
- Child’s pose
- Cat camel pose
- Butterfly stretch
- Hip flexor stretch
- Bird dog pose
- Arm leg raises
- Strength training
- Hip thrusts
- Glute bridges
Degenerative scoliosis causes leg and back pain among adults older than 65, too. They can also do scoliosis strength exercises to reduce their pain and pressure on the nerves around the spine.
- Yoga
- Tai Chi
- Standing on one leg
- Pilates
- Overhead stretch
- Child’s pose
- Wall stretch
- Lying hip stretch
- Sitting on a pilates ball.
Scoliosis schroth method
The Schroth method is an exercise schedule specifically planned for children and adolescents scoliosis strength exercises program in Antalya Medworld Clinic, Turkey. Frontal, sagittal and transverse spinal planes are addressed with this 3D approach. The objectives of schroth method are:
- Strengthening muscles and improve their durableness
- Increase body posture awareness
- To stop progression of the curve
- Relieving the pain
- By improving lung capacity, providing proper breathing.
Depending on the patient’s age and spinal curve, schroth method exercises are designed individually. These exercises are:
- Breathing exercises
- Light exercises done while sitting, standing, and lying
- Exercises with bands, therapy balls etc.
- Techniques to correct body posture.
While doing daily activities such as walking, sitting and standing, patients are motivated to use these schroth exercises. A study has revealed that the spinal curve degree has decreased, and the progression has stopped among teenagers that have done schroth exercises for 6 months. In addition, their muscle strength and endurance has significantly increased. Another study with adults has revealed that their pain has considerably reduced and their muscle activity and flexibility has improved. In addition to adults and teenagers, Older people and children can also make use of schroth exercises designed for children and adolescents scoliosis strength exercises program in Antalya Medworld Clinic, Turkey.
What to expect from an exercise program for scoliosis
Exercising is absolutely good for scoliosis. However, it is necessary to consult a doctor that is an expert on scoliosis before doing the exercises. The reason for this is your doctor plans your exercises individually because every patient’s needs and targets for scoliosis are different. Although it is attractive to find a physical therapist around you or to find a specific exercise schedule online, it is still necessary to work with a physical therapist that is an expert on scoliosis patients.
What to look for while searching for a physical therapist for older people, adults, children and adolescents scoliosis strength exercises program in Antalya Medworld Clinic, Turkey.
- Whether the physical therapist has experience with musculoskeletal problems and scoliosis patients.
- Whether he or she has residency in physical therapy.
- Is the physical therapist board-certified?
- Whether he or she has advanced scoliosis, exercise training.
What exercises should be avoided
Some people with scoliosis may think that sports worsen their condition. However, our physical therapist experts say that there are not certain exercises that need to be avoided. Just avoid exercises or sports that increase your pain. Moreover, not to do anything wrong, have your exercise program checked by your physical therapist before you start. We plan elders, adults, children and adolescents scoliosis strength exercises program in Antalya Medworld Clinic, Turkey individually for you.