Waist And Leg Pain
Numerous conditions can cause waist and leg pain. Leg pain can be caused by structures within the leg itself or it can be caused by problems in other parts of the body, such as the waist or pelvic girdle.
Leg and waist pain may be caused by the same condition or they may arise due to separate conditions. In some cases, leg and waist pain can be severe and debilitating.
What Is Waist Pain?
Waist Pain or pain in the waist area is quite common, but annoying problems which most of the people face every now and then. This is by far one of the most common causes of not reporting to work or leaving work halfway in between. The area between the lower part of the rib cage and the upper part of the pelvic region is called as the waist of a person. Waist region is house to certain vital organs of the body like the kidneys, organs forming the urinary tract system of the body.
Usually, the pain the waist region begins after overuse or a hard day at work lifting, pushing, pulling, or bending. Even sitting for prolonged periods of times sometimes causes pain in the waist region. This is basically due to poor sitting posture or having a chair which does not support the back appropriately. Waist Pain can also be caused due to any problem with any of the organs which reside in the waist region.
Leg pain
Pain occurs when nerves respond to stimuli such as high levels of pressure, high or low temperatures, and chemicals, which can be released by tissue damage. Leg pain can be sharp, dull, numbing, tingling, burning, radiating, or aching. It can also be acute, meaning sudden and short term, or it can also be chronic and persistent. Severity can be rated on a scale from 1 to 10, or from mild to severe. Injury sustained during a sports game or in an accident is normally acute and traumatic.
The person can often identify the cause. Other causes, such as peripheral arterial disease (PAD), tend to build up over time, although the person may be able to pinpoint the onset of pain.
Some sports injuries build up over time, such as repetitive strain injuries and stress fractures. Traumatic injuries can also become long-term, or chronic, problems if the individual does not rest or seek treatment. It is important to be aware of what was happening before and around the time that leg pain emerged, as this can help decide when to seek medical treatment. Pain in any part of the leg is a common symptom of trauma or disease.
There are many causes of leg pain. Traumatic causes include sports injuries. Other causes can relate to the blood vessels, nerves, muscles, joints, soft tissues, or bones. The course of treatment depends on the cause of the leg pain. Leg pain can often be treated at home, but if pain is sudden, severe, or persistent, or if there are other symptoms, medical attention may be necessary.